Saturday, June 20, 2015

Weekly Round-Up June 20, 2015

My Saturday this weekend is pretty chill. I'm super excited to be trying out a new bagel place in my hometown, but other than that, there's not a lot on my schedule. Last weekend we had a big family party, so it's kind of nice to just be hanging out this weekend. My brother comes home from his choir trip tomorrow, so it will be good to see him again and hear about all his adventures!

One:: Especially since I started this as a career blog for young professionals, I thought this article about being nice in the workplace was really interesting. There are so many things that we are told--network, create a "passion project", etc-- that you can forget to just be nice. NY Times

Two:: I'm literally the poster child for Vanderbilt! Check out on a computer to see me in the header! Vanderbilt

Three:: Love this article about Labs! My dog, Mocha, is a black lab/german shepherd/we don't know what else mix. We adopted her from a shelter almost nine years ago. Such a fun read full of adorable doggies! Town & Country

Four:: Confession: "Every Day with Rachael Ray" is my favorite magazine. I've been a subscriber for probably ten years and I'm sure I was the youngest subscriber when I started getting it in elementary school! I love this idea to make cute chocolate spoons. It's super easy so even if you're a great chef, you can make something really impressive. Every Day with Rachael Ray

Hope everyone has a great day with their dads tomorrow!

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